Monday, February 12, 2007

kid o

I was first introduced to kid o by an article in New York Magazine a few issues ago. I folded the page over and made a mental note to look up the site when I had a chance. What interested me about the article were the references to educational philosophies, i.e., Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Bank Street. The article motivated me to research each philosophy further.

About a week ago after visiting the bank street bookstore, I went online to check out kid o. They have amazing toys, quite $$$. I did, however come across a few affordable items, one was the book Montessori From The Start. I figured I would make a trip to the store and if I did not buy anything else, because although their products are wonderful, they are very $$$, I would at the very least get this book.

I definitely recommend a trip to the store. It is a well organized space and very unpretentious considering the cost of their products. The sales people were very genuine. One even managed to sell us an Ergo. I was not expecting that all.

My partner “Papas” (since he rather remain anonymous) was carrying Marley(our daughter) in the Snugli back carrier and was complaining about how it was digging into his shoulders…the salesperson saw an opportunity and we totally fell hook line and sinker. She told us all out The Ergo and let Papas try it on.
He later confided in me that he actually bought it at the store instead of trying to find it online cheaper because she earned the sale…he is a banker…everything is about due diligence with him!

I was complaining a week ago about how it was impossible to carry our daughter around in the Baby Bjorn anymore. My pathetic cries went ignored.

So, if you want your husband, partner or significant other to buy into something or anything make them carry the 20lb baby on their shoulders, chest or back for a few hours.

Definitely check out The Ergo! Visit kid o on the web or in person, it’s much more fun!

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